BANKIE'S HOT TAKE #79 - Technical Clinic Signed for Matt Pro Wrestling Debut on 4/14
Bankie Bruce writes about the main event for the first MPW show in Lakewood, NJ on 4/14 between Bret the Threat and Darius Carter.

BANK ON HISTORY #1 - When Larry Sweeney Went to SHIMMER
On October 19, 2008, a true time capsule moment happened in independent wrestling that symbolized quite many things in one five-minute...

The Legend of El Rotundo Geniouso
El Rotundo Geniouso is an intriguing character in the world of Pro Wrestling Magic. Truly intriguing. Many don't know the story of Steve...

Bankie Bruce has written a THURSDAY VETERAN SPOTLIGHT, showcasing Cindy Rogers, one of the foundation of modern-day women's wrestling.

BANKIE'S HOT TAKE #78 - Three-Way Dance of "Death" for Danny Havoc Hardcore Championship
On April Fools Day in the H2O Wrestling Center in Williamstown, NJ, there will be no fools involved, as three of the toughest men on the...

BANKIE'S HOT TAKE #77 - Levangie Enters COLD FURY TDLC Match For New England Gold
COLD FURY has always been Chaotic Wrestling's #1 showcase over the past decade plus. The event has made a load of memorable moments and...

BANKIE'S HOT TAKE #76 - Angel Faces an Extreme SeXXXy Icon
Bankie Bruce writes about the epic match signed for CREAM MANIA as Marc Angel prepares to do battle with SeXXXy Eddy on 4/3/24!

BANKIE'S HOT TAKE #75 - Joe Clean Goes No Limits in SSW
Bankie Bruce writes about the vacant SSW No Limits championship being fought for at PROject codename: ASSEMBLE.

BANKIE'S HOT TAKE #74 - Beyond Wrestling "Shamrock Slam" Draws 2232 Fans
Bankie Bruce writes about the packed house and vindication Beyond Wrestling received after drawing a HUGE house for "Shamrock Slam".

Gabe Sapolsky's WrestleMania Week "Six Man Tradition"
Bankie Bruce discusses an independent wrestling tradition during WrestleMania Week: the Gabe Sapolsky booked star-studded Six Man Tag match.