Nick and Jon's Next Adventure: Our Own RSS Feed
On Episode 250 of Nick and Jon: “Live” in New Jersey, we announced that effective starting at #251, we will be on our own RSS feed.
For us, this is a monumental move and a legitimate evolution of the podcast.
The past seven years, we’ve had our podcast on the Hardway HQ Podcasting Network, which contains all the podcasts we’ve ever done. Although done out of necessity, we decided nearly a year ago to make the move to our own RSS feed. We were just waiting for the right time.
July 20, 2021 was it.
With 250 episodes, I truly feel as if Nick and I have really clicked with our show. Not only has our friendship grown throughout this podcasting adventure, but our work on the show has gotten into a stellar groove. Two friends from South River truly making a go of this podcasting thing.
Within the next few weeks, we will be transferring over our Nick and Jon content from the HQ RSS Feed on Soundcloud to our own personal Soundcloud account. It will take some time, but the entire library will be up by the end of the Summer. Since this is a season based format, it will take time to upload every episode of the show, but we will have everything up hopefully by the end of the Summer.
This is the first step to the next evolution of Hardway HQ. More importantly, this is the next step for the “mothership” of the podcasting network. Nick and I are ready to bring it. We can’t wait to share it.
Jon Harder