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Performer with

Crazy and Unreal


Pierre the Quebecer transformed himself into a

Creature from D. Destro and has completely

Overhauled himself into the hottest performer in the industry

Perfecting the art of tag team wrestling, he has

Crafted one hell of a partnership with Brody King and has become

One third of the vile Villain Enterprises

Particularly, to me, his unique way of training for

Combat has made way for a true

Opportunity to be more than “human”

Prepping for war by

Catching arrows, kicking windshields, stapling his mouth shut, even Destro

Operating his hearse and parking it on his abdomen

Pain is temporary; pride is forever

Champion’s code to success and the man with

One glass eye shows no fear

Professional wrestling’s Frankenstein has

Crafted an incredible run in ROH and has

Objectively been the company’s 2019 MVP

Prime of his

Career and seemingly

Only has just begun.

Jon Harder


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