100 Podcasts For the Year!

On December 25, 2019, the Hardway HQ Podcasting Network hit 100 podcasts uploaded for the year with the Hardway HQ Holiday Party episode.
For Hardway HQ, this is a major accomplishment. Last year, HQ was completely out of the podcasting game. Months passed in 2018 without a single podcast. Content was at an all-time low. Thankfully, on March 13, 2019, we were able to get Hardway LIVE off the ground and never looked back.
Although Hardway LIVE lasted on BlogTalkRadio for only 6 months, it kick-started the podcasting for HQ in a major way. Nick Reigota returned and helped REBOOT Nick and Jon: “Live” in New Jersey. Ed Scanlon went back to the dark side and started Revisiting Capeside once again. Even Master H 2 stopped by to try and Save America once again. Mix another visit in the time machine with 2001: A Strange Wrestling Odyssey, and we had a thriving network once again.
Up until this year, the inconsistency of the network led to issues of episodes going on and not being able to gain any traction of a fan base. This year, the rebirth of podcasting has gained us a slow building, yet steady listeners. With 2020 on the horizon, you haven’t seen anything yet.
For me, this has been a personal achievement. On December 25, 2018, I uploaded the final episode of Project: Diverge Operation New Wave. That chapter of my life had come to an end. Subsequently, my personal life had hit rock bottom. When things hit rock bottom, you pick yourself up and get back on the horse.
It wasn’t easy. But, thanks to persistence, team work, determination, and resilience, I was able to grind it out. In spite of some days where I just didn’t want to do anything, guys like Nick, Ed, and Ken Carrera were able to motivate me and kept me going. I’m eternally grateful for those guys.
When the Hardway HQ Holiday Party uploaded on Christmas Day, I felt incredibly accomplished. From where I was one year earlier to uploading our 100th podcast for 2019, I truly felt pride. We had done it.
With 2020 coming up in mere days, I know that Hardway HQ will be more active than ever before. We have a lot more in the pipeline in podcasting. The testing of video content with the Snuff ‘N’ Stuff Saga was a lot of fun. The Professional 3 Blog had some fun pieces throughout the year and will have some more.
We hope you continue along for the ride with us. I hope you continue along with us and help this thing grow. Let’s all DIVERGE from the path together in 2020 and beyond.
Jon Harder